E9: New Year Investing Resolutions

The new year is an opportunity to weed out old habits that prevent us from being the best beastly versions of ourselves and the best investors we can be — the two are often intertwined!

Badger starts his resolutions by committing himself to increasing the concentration of his portfolio while Monkey aims to undertake fewer projects and to go deeper into the ones he’s most excited about.

Slowing down, and doing less is often more, both in life and in investing, so we both commit to being more like turtles. 🐢

Monkey feels distracted by too much screen time, a problem Badger is familiar with — though the thought of less technology gives him the howling fantods it seems!

Simplify! Simplify! Simplify! This is the order of the day, both for short and long-term investors. How simple can you make your own processes?

And of course, Monkey speaks some philosophy, and his renewed commitment to saying “is that so?”, an old Zen saying that comes in handy, especially when everyone around you is often wrong and knuckleheaded.

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